Pilates Teacher
Ellie’s passion for Pilates started whilst training to be a professional ballet dancer. Pilates played an integral role in the rehabilitation process after several ankle surgeries and is to thank for her return to the stage.
While teaching ballet for over a decade and as she become the mother of two wonderful children, Ellie continually relied on Pilates for both its physical challenges and the benefits it brought throughout both of her pregnancies and into motherhood.
Ellie is a qualified Body Control Pilates Teacher and is both Pre and Postnatal qualified. The completed her Reformer qualification with the Lisa B Academy for Teachers.
Ellie loves to give her clients a flowing, invigorating and challenging session and she loves to see clients walk out feeling taller, stronger & rejuvenated after each session.
We are delighted to have Ellie as a part of the Cobham Pilates Team and to watch her share her love and passion for Pilates with all of her clients!